Are you looking for information about AK window tint laws? This article will walk you through all the elements of Arkansas tint laws.
Attention: we always advise you to turn to your local authorities last, in order to ensure that the information you have reflects the laws enforced in your specific area!

Tint For Windows Car in Arkansas
Arkansas window tint law — key facts
- Year law enacted: 1993
- Tint length on front windshield: 5 inches below AS-1 line
- Front side window VLT: 25%
- Back side window VLT: 25%
- Back windshield VLT: 10%
- Front side window reflectivity: no metallic or mirrored appearance
- Back side window reflectivity: no metallic or mirrored appearance
- Restricted colors: not specified
- Medical exemption: yes
- Tolerance: 3%
What the Law Says
Arkansas window tinting law can be found in Arkansas Code § 27-37-306 and § 27-37-307. A.C.A. § 27-37-306 provides in part:
Light transmission levels for the tinting of motor vehicle windows
(b) After-market tinting of vehicle windows shall be lawful only as follows:
- The glass immediately in front of the operator may have a strip of tinting material applied to the top edge, known in the industry as an “eyebrow”, but it may not extend downward more than five inches (5”) from the top center of the windshield;
- On all 1994 model vehicles and later model vehicles, the side windows and side wings located on the immediate right or left of the driver or to the right or left immediately behind the driver may be covered with an after-market tinting material which results in at least twenty-five percent (25%) net light transmission, except that the side windows immediately behind the driver on any truck, bus, trailer, motor home, or multiple purpose passenger vehicle may be covered with an after-market tinting material which results in at least ten percent (10%) net light transmission; and
- On all 1994 model vehicles and later model vehicles, the rearmost window may be covered with an after-market tinting material which results in at least ten percent (10%) net light transmission.
(c) Any vehicle that is operated on Arkansas roads with after-market tinting material on any glass shall have attached to the front glass immediately to the operator’s left a label containing the name and phone number of the company installing the tinting material and affirming that all tinting on the vehicle conforms to the requirements of this section.
What This Means
In Arkansas, the tinting on the front windshield of any vehicle cannot be wider than 5 inches, as measured from the top center of the windshield. Tinting on side windows, of passenger cars must allow at least 25% net light transmission and on trucks, buses, trailers, and other multiple purpose passenger vehicles at least 10%.

percentage of window tint
Rear window tinting is illegal on any vehicle manufactured in 1994 or after. For vehicles older than that, rear window tinting must allow at least 10% net light transmission.
Any vehicle that has after-market tinting on any window must also have a label on the front left driver’s side window that has the name and phone number of the company that installed the tinting, as well as affirmation that the tinting conforms to the applicable Arkansas law.
Arkansas law fails to define “net light transmission” and therefore, we must use the plain English meaning of the term, which would be the amount of light that is allowed to pass through the window and window tinting.
Exceptions to the Window Tinting Law
Like most other states, Arkansas recognizes that those who have been diagnosed with a medical condition which requires that they avoid direct sunlight should be exempt from the window tinting laws.
If such a person’s windows were tinted before August 16, 2013, they must carry a doctor’s certification which is no more than 3 years old, proof of the date of tinting, and the name and phone number of the company that applied the tinting.
If the person’s windows were tinted after August 16, 2013, they must carry a doctor’s certificate which is no more than 3 years old and the tinting must comply with the following rules:
- Side window tinting must allow at least 20% net light transmission;
- Rear window tinting must allow at least 10% net light transmission; and
- Front windshield tinting must allow at least 50% net light transmission.
Also, if you tint your windows under this medical exception and then later sell the vehicle, you must tell the buyer that the tinting does not comply with the law or remove the tinting before transferring the title.
Arkansas law also provides an exemption for vehicles used primarily for transporting dead human bodies.
Tinting on Chauffeur Driven Sedans
Arkansas Code § 27-37-307 governs the tinting on sedans driven by a chauffeur and provides that:
- A strip of tinting on the top edge of the windshield, known as the eyebrow, may be applied if it allows for at least 10% net light transmission;
- Rear passenger windows may be tinted with material that allows at least 15% net light transmission;
- The rear window of the sedan may be tinted with material that allows at least 10% net light transmission; and
- Tinting on the front passenger windows must allow at least 25% net light transmission.
A person with window tinting under § 27-37-307, must remove the tinting before selling or otherwise transferring the vehicle to someone who will not use it as a sedan for hire and/or once the vehicle is no longer expected to be used as a sedan for hire.
It is a class A misdemeanor to drive a vehicle registered in Arkansas on the roads and highways of the state if the vehicles window tinting does not comply with § 27-37-306 and/or § 27-37-307. Class A misdemeanors in Arkansas carry a sentence of up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500.
Related: Arizona Window Tint — Law & VLT%
Arkansas Code § 27-37-306 and § 27-37-307