Halloween is a time of the year when people everywhere dress up… their cars. Everybody knows that it’s a great season for kids to dress up for trick-or-treating and for adults to wear goofy costumes. What a lot of folks don’t know is that this is also a great time to decorate your car in the spirit of the season.
With a great paint job and a little holiday spirit, your ride can be the envy of the neighborhood. Naturally, a ton and a half of steel can be pretty scary, and the following are some of the funniest examples of Halloween car decorating.
The Goth Bug
Is your bug not hardcore enough? Does it listen to the Backstreet Boys and spend all day whining to its friends about how the other cars won’t talk to it? If you’ve had enough deep sighs and self-absorption to last until the hippies come home, turn your beetle into a car even a biker wouldn’t mind driving.
All it takes is a suitably tough landscape like the old west, about a quarter mile of chain and a few gallons of super glue. Naturally, some spikes and a few thousand metal buttons help out a lot.
Give Your Ride Some Fangs
Are you in the spirit, but just can’t be bothered to glue a bunch of stuff to your car? Did you forget about decorating your car until about ten minutes ago and are struggling to get an idea?

Halloween Costumes for Your Car
If either of those were a yes, there’s no need to fret. All you need is a pair of scissors, some white plastic or cardboard and a little paste or rubber cement. Just give your car some sweet teeth–or gnarly chompers if you’d prefer–and it will look mean in the most adorable way possible. It’s not as good as the decorations you’ll find on CarGetups, but it’ll do in a pinch.
Snake Car
This isn’t just a great use of paper maché and paint. This is also a celebration of our scaly friends. When you get back to nature, it’s important to let everyone know who slithers with the big boys. Another great thing about this color scheme is that it makes great desert camouflage.
The Rolling Joint
Have you ever felt like you were stuck in traffic and couldn’t go anywhere? In a car like this, you’re not going anywhere anyway. This decoration borders on performance art, as people sit in a cramped space just like a prison.
There’s just something refreshing about a driver who admits to being trapped behind the wheel. Just be sure to tell these guys that they can just climb over the seats and get out the side doors.
Dawn of the Dead Inspired Romero Ride
Have traffic conditions got you ready to get out and start shambling around looking for brains? No matter where you are it’s good to poke some fun at how everybody seems to be doing the same thing at the same time. Just like zombies!

Car Costumes for Halloween
If you feel like you’ve barely got a brain in your head, this Romero-esque decoration will make you happy it’s just Halloween and not actually the end of days.
Driving It Home
Halloween is a great time of the year for scaring people and getting away with it. But if you’re not into giving people heart attacks, you can just make them laugh and honk at you as you drive past. All you have to do is paint and attach things to your car, and you’re suddenly encased in a moving piece of art.