There are situations in life when you need to slash a tire and make it look like an accident. We will not be covering the moral or loyal aspect of this question, as cases differ. Let’s focus on the process how to slash a tire and do this quietly without attracting unwanted attention. Because the last thing you want is loud noise, that will attract someone’s attention to you.
Popping tires without getting caught: things to consider
First, let’s face it: slashing a tire is not a simple thing to do, as tires are made of thick rubber and feature metal cord inside. So you definitely need to have something sharp with you. Plus, you will have to put some effort to flatten tires. Sure thing, we will not recommend trying out your skills in this process, at this point just take it as granted. Slashing tires is not an easy thing to do.
How to pop tires without making noise
Some instructions on how to quickly pop tires say, that you need a knife or nail to pop a tire. The truth of life is different. Nail is difficult to make a hole in a tire with, and if you use a knife, you will pop the tire so loud that you will be heard in the police. So the key thing you need to know about popping the tire is…

how to slash tires
Slash a tire without making noise
The best way to do that is to make a quick puncture and get away with it quickly. After you do that, you just simply go away and the flat tire will look natural in the morning. There will be no visible hole or cut. And a bonus for the owner. Such puncture is very difficult to find, hence the slashed tire will keep getting flat until the owner buys a new one.
What to use to slash a tire?
- awl,
- bodkin,
- pricker,
- bradawl,
- prod,
- piercer.