Adding a driver to a car insurance policy can either reduce (rare case) the premium or push it up (most likely) and with this article we will try to help you make the best choice. If you want someone else to be insured to drive your automobile, you will have to add him as an additional named driver on your insurance policy.
In most of the cases, the more people you add to the policy, the more you will have to pay. However, this statement isn’t all the times true because if you want to add a driver that is considered a lowered risk in comparison to you, the car insurance policy might go down.
If you are a parent and you want to add your son/daughter to the insurance policy, you will most likely pay more than before. Why? Because less experienced drivers have the tendency to make more accidents – and the average insurance claim of a young driver is more than 3 times in comparison to other drivers.

Insurance Policy for Car
If you are a young driver and you want to add your parent(s) to the car’s insurance policy, most likely your premium will go down.
On your insurance policy you can add basically just about everyone that you want as it doesn’t have to be a member of the family or a partner. Needless to say, that you cannot add people that have been banned from driving. In addition, some of the insurance companies might have age restrictions.
The comprehensive car cover will most likely include cover for anyone that is driving the car with the owner’s permission, even in the situation in which he is not designated as a named driver, but this will normally be third party cover.
The key points when adding a driver to a car insurance policy consist of the following:
- The amount of money paid for the policy depends upon the driver’s level of risk – adding experienced drivers will lower your premium and a younger driver will make it more costly;
- If you have a comprehensive insurance – other people may already have 3rd party cover when they are behind the wheel of your car with your permission;
- By limiting the time frame you could lower the amount of money paid for the insurance. For example, if you restrict additional drivers to school holidays, you will pay less;
- As mentioned before, adding your mother or father to the insurance policy will lower the amount of money paid if you are a young driver;
- Build up no-claims as some insurance companies will allow additional named drivers to build up their own no-claims discount so that when they decide to come and get their own insurance, they have already built up an entitlement.
If you decide to risk and not add the driver to your policy, the insurance company will not like that for sure. If they find out that there is another driver, they might cancel your policy, making it more expensive for you to obtain another car policy in the near future.

If you not add the driver to your policy…
Of course, if you don’t add drivers to your policy it could turn out to be a real problem if a claim situation occurs. If the other driver has an accident with your car, they will investigate who was driving the car at the moment of the accident and they might deny your claim. If it is a liability claim, you could be out tens of thousands of dollars, even more in some cases.
As you can see, the risks are just too high when you do not add a driver to the car policy. Adding one is very easy to do and although it might cost you a little bit more, you will save money on the long run.
Author: Theo Grigore