Texting while driving is dangerous, illegal, and dangerous. The combination of doing nine things at once (as driving usually requires quite a bit of multitasking on its own) greatly reduces response time, and makes for an unsafe scenario.
For those who constantly find themselves typing while driving, choosing one of these six alternatives will make their lives a better, safer place.

Dangers of Texting While Driving
1. DON’T
This is the simplest option. Drivers who are constantly texting and driving can just make the decision to stop. Let’s face it; everybody thinks they are too important to be out of contact for the ten minutes it takes to drive somewhere.

No texting while driving
The reality is, with the exception of .001% of the people (who are so rich and successful they usually have a driver or a pilot), nobody NEEDS to respond about “Billy from last night, lol lol!” Take yourself less seriously, drive more seriously, and make everyone feel safer in the process.
If you are incredibly important, but not important enough to have a full-time chauffeur, then chances are good you can afford a luxury vehicle. Thanks to the recent outcry against texting and driving, many of these cars offer built-in solutions.

Bluetooth-syncing technology
Bluetooth-syncing technology in some brand new cars allows for an interactive user interface for all cellular devices. Translation? The car talks to you. By reading messages aloud and allowing for hands-free calling, many new cars are doing all the hard work for you.
Once upon a time, the only way to communicate was through the written letter. After that came the telegram, leading us to the telephone, the cordless phone, and finally, the mobile phone. Once humankind had discovered the ability to make a phone call from anywhere on the planet, they went back to revolutionize the telegram?

Bluetooth headset
There is nothing that can be communicated through text that can’t also be spoken. Some people forget that the primary feature of today’s smartphones is (and has always been) the ability to TALK. By investing in a Bluetooth headset, one simple push of a button can turn a texting convo into a real one, thereby eliminating most of the threat.
Subscription services such as OnStar offer numerous solutions for texting while driving, including automated message reading and integrated voice response.

OnStar offer numerous solutions for texting while driving
Though OnStar is a monthly expense, the service is well worth it for those who travel. Not only are the turn-by-turn and emergency-service features an invaluable asset to have on the road, but the voice-to-text feature is simple, integrated, and handy. Plus, for many people, the expense can be considered a tax write-off, making it a no-brainer.
While there are several apps available for voice-to-text capabilities, none seem to do it better than ShoutOUT. Basically turning your phone into a subservient, robot secretary, ShoutOUT reads messages and takes dictation all without the use of hands.
While each technological advance brings us one step closer to the rise of the machines, this artificial intelligence is well worth the impending robot wars of the future.
For those who can’t afford a new car, On Star or a smartphone, there has always been one tried-and-true method for getting things done on the road: STOP DRIVING.
This method costs no more than a few seconds of your time, but can save you thousands in fines, legal fees, and therapy sessions in the event that your chronic texting were to lead to an accident. By simply pulling over, you’re free to text to your heart’s content without fear of danger.
Despite the constant need to feel connected, texting while driving is an inexcusable bad habit that is unsafe for everyone involved. By simply adopting one of these six methods, you can make sure that your party car of communication does not turn into a rolling vehicle of destruction.