I’m going to show you how to open gas tank and remove your gas cap on Toyota Sienna.
So if you open up the driver’s door in this Toyota Sienna, you’re going to see just on the front of the dash, just above the emergency brake, there’s a little over here, that has a gas pump on it.
How to open gas tank on Toyota Sienna
- Now, to release the fuel door you simply pull it up.
- And if you look on the side of the vehicle, you’re going to notice that it pops the door open.
- So, now you just simply turn the knob counterclockwise, and the ring of here fits snugly right in those two holders there, so while you’re pumping gas it will hold itself there.
- When you’re finished, you pull this out twist it clockwise until you hear it click, and then you know it’s tightened.
- Simply push this shut and make sure it’s tight and you’re good to go.






So that is how you open the fuel door and remove your gas cap in Toyota Sienna.